
5By purchasing and installing a whole house fan you can lower the temperature in your house for a fraction of the cost to run your air conditioning, therefore making them an energy efficient alternative.  A whole house fan is designed to pull hot air out of the home and bring cooler air in through open windows.

When considering a whole house fan keep these points in mind, your windows do have to be open, which means if you have allergies this may cause them to increase because it will bring air, dirt and pollen through the windows, they also can be a bit noisy which can interfere with some household activities depending on where the fan is placed in the home.

There are two types of fans to consider

You can  install a whole house fan with little assistance and effort, before purchasing you need to find out what size fan you will need and you can do that by calculating the cubic feet per minute requirements for your house, this can be done by taking the square footage of your house and multiplying it by three.  Next you will have to find your location for the fan, most times they work best when installed near the center of the home.

In order for your fan to work properly you must open enough windows or doors to give it ample air supply, you can create the most air by only opening the windows and doors in the rooms you are in, the other rooms may become stuffy but if you open the windows in there you should feel the effects fairly quickly.

Whole house fans will need to be cleaned and dusted just like anything else in your home, a couple times throughout the season you should wipe the fan down to prevent dust build up which can put stress on the motor, always turn off the power supply when doing this, remove the fan cover and with a mild cleaning product and a rag wipe down both sides of the fan blades. By cleaning your fan blades you will prolong the life of the fan and prevent spreading dust around the house.

Some things to avoid when installing and mainting your fan would be never install the fan with out the proper framing, do not cut any truss or joist when you are trying to find space for your fan and do not leave the seams around the fan open or cracked.

You will not need to run your fan on full speed all the time, once the house is cooled down you can switch to a lower speed, there is also timers that you can set to have the fan run for a set length of time or at certain times of the day.

If you are running your fan make sure there are open windows and doors in the home, and never run it when you have you air conditioning running.

If you follow these steps you fan will give you years of use and a great energy efficient way to cool your house down while you enjoy the fresh air.



Looking to purchase a Whole House Fan? Need replacement parts?

KSCDirect.com is a great place to start.

Contact one of our salesmen today!