
image_resizeA septic tank is a self contained underground wastewater treatment system. If you have a septic system you already know was to avoid damaging your system, like flushing coffee grounds, hair, oil, paint, and pesticides.

There are products that will help keep your system healthy also and help to avoid expensive repairs or replacements.

Additives can be added to your system to keep it functioning properly. Biological additives work by rejuvenating the good bacteria which will break down the waste, you need to keep the amount of solids low to avoid a back up of your system. Enzymatic additives may reduce the amount of oil and grease in your system. These additives should be used either monthly or weekly depending on their instructions. Yous should should also be pumped every three to five years even with theĀ  use of additives.

Using water saving devices such as low flow shower heads and faucet aerators can reduce soil saturation and early septic tank failure.

Tree roots can get into and clog your system, you can flush copper sulfate crystals down the toilet to help destroy the roots, you will only want to use this no more than twice a year.

If you follow these basic and easy steps you will keep your septic system healthy and avoid expensive repair costs or even replacement of the whole system.