
image_resizeRadiant underfloor heating is a way of heating a house through the floor. Underfloor heating uses heat radiation, when heat transfers from warmer places to cooler places this is called radiation. When you stand close to a wood stove, fireplace, or grill the heat you feel coming from it is called radiation.

The floor will absorb the heat from underneath then slowly give off that heat. Anything touching the floor will also warm, such as your feet, mats, walls and furniture.

There are two types of underfloor heating. Water or hot water which pumps water through pipes and Electric which uses electricity to heat the coils.

Lets take a little closer look at both.

When deciding which way to go the most economical choice for most  would be electric, if you are not planning on using any solar energy since solar energy would help in heating the water thus making it more economical.

Radiant heating is a n efficient way to heat your home, forced air which most homes have rises to the ceiling which makes them less cost efficient, radiant heat transfers heat to the bottoms of walls and furniture which results in less heat loss to the ceiling of rooms.

If you are considering radiant heating always remember to do your research and consult a professional before starting your project.